Saturday, December 8, 2007

A Fond Adeus...

... to awesome peers, an amazing professor, and to a class I'll not soon forget. I can sincerely say that in my 3 years of attending college courses thus far, this was one of the greatest classes I have ever taken.

More to your point, Tiffany, I don't know what I could suggest that I (or others) haven't already suggested in the past; this, or course, speaks to your mastery of the art of teaching, for which I am very grateful.

Although such sentimentalism could be perceived as inappropriate, I'd like to impart a few words to some of our classmates:

- Jairo: your quiet wisdom, coupled with your desire and resolve to make good things happen in the world, were a source of admiration for me this semester; I honestly believe that society (U.S., in particular) could benefit from your sage-like manner.

- The libertarian, Ray (man, I hope I got your name right finally... sorry about that): you have a very sharp wit, and an acute attention to detail. These, coupled with your apparent passion for freedom, make you a dangerous man for those who wish to exercise control unchecked. I hope you act on your personal philosophy in the future.

- Miriam: How could I pass through without mentioning you? Your friendship has been wonderful to me, and very intellectually stimulating. I know that your brilliance will be the mechanism by which you will accomplish great things in your life, and in the lives of many, many others. You are the first person I have met that rises each day fully acknowledging that, for you, the world is new again, and there is always more life to be lived.

- "Bethaknee": Shalom! Thank you for your insightful comments, and for reminding me of how important curiousity still is, no matter what phase of life we are entering. You are a bit of a gadfly, of sorts, but it suits you, and I think you enjoy it. That sort of nature, when channeled well, can be an invaluable resource to those who would ordinarily never ask the important questions, or be skeptical of the answers.

Although I could continue on for much longer with gratitude to everyone in our class really, I'll stop for now, and merely say thank you all so much for an absolutely fantastic experience in erudition!


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